
Volume 76 Executive Board

President Greg Schwartz
Executive Editors Kenny Chang & Ross Snyder
Managing Editors Jonathan Artal, David Jiang, Jacqueline Lewittes, Andrew Nahom, Charlie Power, & Victor Wu
Online Editor-in-Chief Salma Abdelrahman
Senior Articles Editor William Weightman
Senior Notes Editor Marissa Uri
Senior Development Editor Eli Tannenwald
Symposium Editor Carson Smith

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The Stanford Law Review (ISSN 0038-9765) is published six times a year—typically once per month starting in January—by students of the Stanford Law School. Volume prices are $60.00 domestic and $95.00 international. The price for a single issue is $22.00 plus a shipping fee. If you would like to subscribe to the Stanford Law Review, please contact Meg Harrington at business.manager [at] stanfordlawreview [dot] org.


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Back Issues

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