Print Issues

Volume 74, Issue 6


Cop-“Like” (“👍”)

The First Amendment, Criminal Procedure, and the Regulation of Police Social Media Speech
by  Jonathan Abel

What happens when a law-enforcement officer makes an offensive comment on social media? Increasingly, police departments, prosecutors, courts, and the public have been confronted with the legal and normative questions resulting from officers’ racist, sexist, and violent social media comments. On one side are calls for severe discipline and termination. On the other are demands…


Mass Arbitration

by  J. Maria Glover

For decades, the class action has been in the crosshairs of defense-side procedural warfare. Repeated attacks on the class action by the defense bar, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and other defense-side interest groups have been overwhelmingly successful. None proved more successful than the arbitration revolution, a forty-year campaign to eliminate class actions through forced…


Beyond “Market Transparency”

Investor Disclosure and Corporate Governance
by  Alexander I. Platt

The ability to identify a firm’s shareholders is essential to modern corporate-governance practice. Corporate managers, activist hedge funds, shareholder-proposal sponsors, and other market actors all use this information in their efforts to shape corporate action. They can do so, however, only by dint of regulatory fiat. Since the 1970s, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission…



by  Jed Handelsman Shugerman

“The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” The Executive Vesting Clause is one of three originalist pillars for the unitary executive theory, the idea that the President possesses executive powers like removal without congressional limitations (that is, the powers are indefeasible). An underlying assumption is that “vest”…