Print Issues

Volume 76, Issue 5


The Necessary and Proper Stewardship of Judicial Data

by  Zachary D. Clopton & Aziz Z. Huq

Governments and commercial firms create profit and social gain by exploiting large pools of data. One source of valuable data, however, lies in public hands yet remains largely untapped. While the deep reservoirs of data produced by Congress and federal agencies have long been available for public use, the data produced by the federal judiciary…


War Reparations: The Case for Countermeasures

by  Oona A. Hathaway, Maggie M. Mills & Thomas M. Poston

Who pays for the terrible destruction wrought by war? This problem is far from new, but it is currently receiving renewed attention as a result of the war in Ukraine. The options currently available to states that are the victims of unlawful wars in the postwar era are limited. For Ukraine, some have proposed addressing…


The Legal Crisis Within the Climate Crisis

by  Mark Nevitt

Climate change creates a difficult choice for property owners and governmental officials alike: Should they invest in costly climate adaptation measures or retreat from climate-exposed areas? Either decision is fraught with legal uncertainty, running headfirst into antiquated legal doctrines designed for a more stable world. Climate impacts to the coastline are forcing policymakers to consider…


The Religious Exception to Abortion Bans: A Litigation Guide to State RFRAs

by  Ari Berman

After Dobbs, religion, commonly seen as an argument against abortion, has been used to argue for the right to choose. In July 2022, a synagogue sued Florida, asserting that its ban on abortion after fifteen weeks violated Article 1, Section 3 of the Florida Constitution, which prohibits the penalization of free expression of religion. In…